The group is primarily composed of alumni from DASHS (Dr. Arcadio Santos High School) Batch 2000 hence the group named Arcadian2000.
According to, the word "ARCADIAN"

adjective: Idyllically pastoral: simple, peaceful. noun: One leading a simple rural life.ETYMOLOGY:
After Arcadia, a region of ancient Greece whose residents were believed to have led quiet, unsophisticated lives of peace and happiness. USAGE:
"Farms, fields, cottages, what [photographer Kevin G. Malella] calls 'the Arcadian view', are blended with industrial images -- mostly nuclear cooling towers -- to create new landscapes that plop the environmentally hazardous engine of contemporary society into our nostalgically folksy lap." Bob Hicks; Questioning Art's Rules and Roles; The Oregonian (Portland); Aug 21, 2009.